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有什么想看的角色都可以评论区留言,这期视频最后的片段会有配音,简介聊一下制作心路历程和未来。原本是想做折枝的差分的, 但我感觉上期视频不太符合预期,于是稍微就是说尝试了一下新的风格,但人物性格人设还是找了相似的。原定是崩3的缇米朵,但奈何没有亚当的卡,就没做。BA那边符合跟折枝差不多性格特征的有三个但没有好康的卡,至于原铁零那边,原有砂糖,铁的话有霍霍,零有个可琳,喵的才发现全是绿头发。加上想尝试新东西,所以思来想去就决定做碧蓝航线里面的角色了,然后碧蓝航线又没有指挥官的形象,所以找第一人称还有调整模型的花的时间还是比我想象的多不少,同时也想做的说更涩一点,如果你喜欢的话还请点个赞或者你也喜欢做的更涩一点的话后面还会尝试更多的。下期视频会有配音的,我争取国庆假前发吧,挺累的,返校就没时间做了,哈哈。在静谧的夜晚,月光透过窗帘洒在房间里,营造出一种梦幻般的氛围。雅努斯靠坐在床边,心中忐忑不安,她的脸颊微微泛红,双手不自觉地扭在一起。尽管外表冷静自若,内心却如潮水般翻滚,恨不得一举打破这份矜持。指挥官正坐在床上,聚精会神地研究着手中的地图。雅努斯暗自观察着他,想要抓住每一个瞬间——那微微蹙起的眉头,那专注的目光,无不令他心中怦然心动。他想要引起指挥官的注意,然而,一想到自己羞涩的模样,心中又不由得感到一阵紧张。“指挥官……”雅努斯终于鼓足勇气,轻声叫道,语气中带着些许颤抖。他希望这简单的呼唤能打破他们之间的沉默,却又害怕打扰到他专注的神情。指挥官抬起头,眼中闪烁着温柔的光芒,那一瞬间,雅努斯感到心跳加速,脸上的红晕似乎更深了。空气中弥漫着一种似有似无的暧昧,仿佛时间都在这一刻静止。“你怎么了?”指挥官的声音低沉而温暖,带着一丝关切。雅努斯感到一阵心慌,明明想要表达更多,却又害怕面对那份直视。“我…我只是想和你说说话。”他轻声说道,眼神不由自主地躲闪,却又忍不住偷偷瞥向指挥官,心中渴望着能被他真正注意到。指挥官微微一笑,示意他靠近。雅努斯的心脏瞬间加速,犹豫片刻,她终于鼓起勇气,慢慢走向床边,坐在了指挥官的身旁。那种靠近的感觉让她既害羞又兴奋,仿佛整个世界只剩下他们两个人。“来,看看这个。”指挥官指着地图,试图将雅努斯拉入他的世界。雅努斯努力集中注意,然而心中却充满了那份想要占据他目光的冲动。她侧头望着指挥官,心中暗自祈祷,能够被他发现更多的自己。“其实我…”她终于说出了心中积压已久的话语,用小小的勇气打破了沉默,“我一直希望能多陪你一些时间。”声音虽轻,却带着坚定的期望。指挥官转头,目光注视着雅努斯,眼中流露出一丝惊讶,随即是温柔的理解。他伸出手,轻轻握住雅努斯的手,那一瞬间,雅努斯的脸颊瞬间染上了红晕,却也愈发坚定了心中的渴望。“我也希望。”指挥官的声音低沉有力,却又带着一种让人安心的温柔,“无论何时,我都在这里。”两人之间的距离仿佛瞬间拉近,夜色温柔,心跳交融。雅努斯感到了一种前所未有的勇气,她决定不再隐藏自己的情感,而是将自己全部的渴望,勇敢地展现于指挥官面前。Feel free to leave a comment in the comment section for any characters you\'d like to see. The final segment of this video will feature voiceovers, and we\'ll briefly discuss our production journey and future plans.\n\nI initially intended to create a variation of characters, but felt that the previous video didn\'t quite meet my expectations. Therefore, I experimented with a new style, while still maintaining similar character personalities and designs. I had originally planned to use Collapse 3\'s Timidor, but unfortunately, without Adam\'s card, I couldn\'t proceed. On the BA side, there are three cards that share similar personality traits to Zhe Zhi, but none of them are particularly appealing. As for the original Iron Zero series, there\'s Huohuo for sugar, Iron, and Lingke for zero. Meow just realized that all of them have green hair.\n\nFurthermore, I wanted to try something new, so after much consideration, I decided to create a character from the Blue Line series. However, since the Blue Line series doesn\'t feature a commander character, it took me more time than expected to find a suitable first-person perspective and adjust the model. At the same time, I aimed to make it a bit more awkward. If you like it, please give it a thumbs up, or if you\'d like to see more awkward moments, I\'ll try to include more in future videos.\n\nThe next video will feature voiceovers, and I\'ll aim to post it before the National Day holiday. It\'s been quite tiring, but I won\'t have time to work on it when I return to school, haha.On a quiet night, moonlight shines through the curtains into the room, creating a dreamy atmosphere. Yanus leaned against the bed, feeling uneasy and uneasy. His cheeks turned slightly red, and his hands involuntarily twisted together. Despite appearing calm and composed on the outside, my heart churned like a tide, wishing to break this reserve in one fell swoop.The commander was sitting on the bed, focused on studying the map in his hand. Yanus secretly observed him, wanting to capture every moment - the slightly furrowed brow, the focused gaze, all of which made his heart skip a beat. He wanted to catch the commander\'s attention, but at the thought of his shy appearance, he couldn\'t help but feel a wave of nervousness in his heart.Commander... "Yanus finally gathered his courage and whispered, with a slight tremble in his tone. He hoped that this simple call could break the silence between them, but was afraid of disturbing his focused expression.The commander lifted his head, his eyes sparkling with tenderness. In that moment, Yanus felt his heart race faster and the blush on his face seemed to deepen. There is a vague and ambiguous atmosphere in the air, as if time stands still at this moment.What\'s wrong with you? "The commander\'s voice was low and warm, with a hint of concern. Yanus felt a wave of anxiety, wanting to express more, but also afraid to face the direct gaze.I... I just want to talk to you, "he said softly, his eyes involuntarily dodging, but he couldn\'t help but sneak a glance at the commander, longing to be truly noticed by him.The commander smiled slightly and gestured for him to approach. Yanus\' heart instantly accelerated, hesitated for a moment, and finally gathered the courage to slowly walk towards the bedside and sit next to the commander. The feeling of being close made him both shy and excited, as if the whole world was just the two of them.Come, take a look at this, "the commander pointed to the map, trying to pull Janus into his world. Yanus tried to concentrate, but his heart was filled with the impulse to capture his gaze. He turned his head to look at the commander, secretly praying that he could discover more of himself.Actually, I... "He finally spoke the words that had been pent up in his heart, breaking the silence with a little courage." I have always hoped to spend more time with you. "Although his voice was light, it carried firm expectations.The commander turned his head and stared at Janus, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, followed by a gentle understanding. He reached out his hand and gently grasped Yanus\' hand. In that moment, Yanus\' cheeks immediately flushed, but his desire became even stronger in his heart.I hope so too, "the commander\'s voice was deep and powerful, but with a reassuring tenderness," I\'m here anytimeThe distance between the two seemed to instantly shorten, the night was gentle, and their heartbeats blended. Janus felt an unprecedented courage and decided not to hide his emotions anymore, but to bravely display all his desires in front of the commander.