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如果可以请您看下简介!有一些想问的问题和想说的东西!谢谢你的理解!\n那么长时间更新和配音的问题是实在在学校没办法做,不管是渲染还是剪辑,我争取国庆更四个视频出来吧。差分会做BA的角色,跟折枝人物性格类似的。后面配音作品会有的。再就是关于尘白禁区那边的事情,我是真的很想做尘白的作品的,现在是命令全平台禁止了么还是什么?我现在找不到那个相关公告,如果要做的话我发私人作品是否是被平台允许的呢?我真的很想做,特别是过完这次版本的剧情之后,想乘着国庆做个4P,如果不行的话可能就另外做选择了。个人对这件事还是蛮无语的,不知道怎么评价了。然后就是关于自己视频的制作方面,我首先是一个玩家,其次是观众再到作者,所以我争取视频在保证涩涩SEX的情况下不管是男主还是人物角色不脱离他们的人设,这是我一向贯彻的制作理念,我能去选择做自己想要做的东西,当然有好的意见我也会听取,可以评论也可以私信。现在还是很菜只能说,等明年毕业实习看看有没有时间能去学一些东西,KK帧什么的,先画个大饼,到时候去找大佬们学习应该OK的。以下是我给折枝写的小剧场,文笔不好还请见谅,只是自己的一厢情愿……在一个温暖的夜晚,月光透过窗帘洒在床上,形成一片柔和的光影。折枝静静地坐在床边,手中把玩着一朵盛开的花,脸上泛着一丝红晕,似乎在思索着什么。她的目光时而流转,时而落在窗外的星空,时而又回到那朵花上,流露出一丝含羞的神情,仿佛在等待着什么。我轻轻走近,坐在她身旁。她转过头来,眼中闪烁着柔和的光芒,像是夜空中最温暖的星星。她的气息混合着花香,温柔而迷人,令我不由自主地想要靠近。折枝的唇角微微上扬,似乎在邀请我进入她的内心世界。“你喜欢这朵花吗?”她轻声问道,声音如同夜风般柔和,带着一丝羞怯。“喜欢,尤其是它的颜色。”我回答,心中却已经被她的魅力所吸引。她轻轻将花放在一旁,转身面对我,眼神中透着一丝羞涩。那一瞬间,我感受到了一种无形的力量,仿佛被她的目光牢牢锁住。她微微靠近,指尖轻轻划过我的脸颊,温暖的触感令我心跳加速。“你知道吗?花的意义不仅在于它的美丽,还有它的芬芳。”折枝低声说道,声音如同细语般缠绵,带着几分腼腆。我点点头,心中涌起一阵冲动。她的眼神中流露出的坚定让我明白,今晚的她与往常不同,似乎有着更深的渴望。就在这一瞬间,我俯下身,轻轻吻上了她的唇。那一刻,时间仿佛凝固,整个世界都消失在了我们的身边。折枝回应着我的吻,温柔而羞涩,仿佛要将所有的情感都倾注其中。她的手轻轻抚摸着我的背,指尖划过我的肌肤,带来阵阵电流般的快感。我们彼此交融,仿佛在这个夜晚,只有我们两个人的存在。折枝的身体如同花瓣般柔软,随着我的动作轻轻扭动,带来无尽的欢愉。她的呼吸渐渐变得急促,眼中闪烁着欲望的火焰,仿佛在引导我深入她的内心世界。床单在我们之间轻轻摩擦,发出细微的声响,伴随着我们彼此的低语与呢喃。折枝的手指在我身上游走,点燃了我心底的渴望,让我无法自拔。她的每一次触碰,都如同春风拂面,令人沉醉。在这个温暖的夜晚,我们的身体交织在一起,仿佛在演绎一场无声的舞蹈。折枝的眼神中流露出无尽的信任与依赖,让我更加沉醉于这份亲密之中。她的脸颊微微泛红,但眼中却闪烁着坚定的光芒,让我感受到她的渴望与期待。我们在彼此的怀抱中迷失,忘却了时间的流逝,沉浸在这场属于我们的浪漫中。当一切归于宁静,月光依旧洒在床上,折枝安静地依偎在我的怀里,脸上挂着满足的微笑。她的眼神中透着幸福,仿佛在诉说着这一夜的美好。我们都明白,这份情感将会在心中永存,成为彼此生命中最珍贵的记忆。感谢你能够看到这里,求个点赞,谢谢您的支持!If you can, please read the introduction! There are some questions and things to say! Thank you for your understanding!\nThe problem of updating and dubbing for a long time is really not something to do in school, whether it\'s rendering or editing, I\'ll strive for more four videos on the National Day. Differential will do the role of BA, which is similar to the character of the broken branch. There will be dubbing works later.And then about the matter over there in the dusty forbidden area, I really want to make dusty works, is it now ordered to ban the whole platform or what? I can\'t find that announcement right now, if I want to do it, is it allowed for me to post private works? I really want to do it.,Especially after this version of the plot.,I want to take advantage of the National Day to do a 4P.,If not, you may have to make another choice.。 Personally, I\'m still quite speechless about this matter, and I don\'t know how to evaluate it.And then there\'s the production of my own video.,I\'m a player first.,Then the audience and then the author.,So I strive for the video to ensure that the astringent SEX doesn\'t depart from their character design, whether it\'s the male protagonist or the character.,This is the production concept I\'ve always implemented.,I can choose to do what I want to do.,Of course, if there\'s a good opinion, I\'ll listen to it.,You can comment or send a private message.。It\'s still very good to say, wait for next year\'s graduation internship to see if there is time to learn something, KK frame or something, draw a big pie first, and then go to the big guys to learn should be OK.The following is a small theater I wrote for Orizu, please forgive me for the bad writing, it\'s just my own wishful thinking......On a warm night, the moonlight shines through the curtains on the bed, creating a soft light and shadow. Orieda sat quietly on the edge of the bed, playing with a blooming flower in her hand, her face flushed with a hint of blush, as if she was thinking about something. Her gaze flickered, sometimes falling on the starry sky outside the window, and sometimes returning to the flower, revealing a hint of shyness, as if waiting for something.I approached softly and sat down beside her. She turned her head, her eyes glinting softly, like the warmest stars in the night sky. Her scent mixed with the scent of flowers, gentle and charming, made me want to get closer. The corners of her lips rose slightly, as if inviting me into her inner world."Do you like this flower?" She asked softly, her voice as soft as the night breeze with a hint of shyness."Loved it, especially the color.She gently set the flower aside and turned to face me, a hint of shyness in her eyes. At that moment, I felt an invisible force, as if I was firmly locked by her gaze. She moved closer, her fingertips running lightly across my cheek, the warmth of the touch making my heart skip a beat."You know what? The significance of a flower lies not only in its beauty, but also in its fragrance. Orichi whispered, his voice lingering like a whisper, with a little shyness.I nodded, an urge surging through me. The firmness in her eyes made me understand that tonight she was different from usual, and seemed to have a deeper longing. At that moment, I leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips.At that moment, time seemed to freeze and the whole world disappeared from us. Orichi responded to my kiss, gentle and shy, as if to pour all her emotions into it. Her hand gently caressed my back, her fingertips running over my skin, bringing bursts of electric pleasure.We mingled with each other, as if on this night, there were only the two of us. The body of the broken branch is as soft as the petals of a flower, and it gently twists with my movements, bringing endless pleasure. Her breathing grew rapid, and her eyes flickered with a flame of desire, as if to guide me deeper into her inner world.The sheets rubbed gently between us, making a subtle sound, accompanied by the whispers and murmurs we whispered to each other. The broken fingers roamed over me, igniting the longing in my heart and making me unable to extricate myself. Every touch she touches is like a spring breeze, which is intoxicating.On this warm evening, our bodies intertwine as if performing a silent dance. The endless trust and dependence in Orieda\'s eyes made me even more intoxicated with this intimacy. Her cheeks were slightly red, but there was a determined glint in her eyes, and I could feel her longing and anticipation. We are lost in each other\'s arms, forgetting the passage of time and immersing ourselves in this romance that belongs to us.When everything was quiet, the moonlight was still shining on the bed, and the broken branches were quietly nestled in my arms, with a satisfied smile on their faces. There was happiness in her eyes, as if she was telling the beauty of the night. We both know that this emotion will live forever in our hearts and become the most precious memory of each other\'s lives.Thank you for being able to see this, please give it a thumbs up, and thank you for your support!