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MMD: Untitled chan ε - No bra or panty challenge (2 Phut Hon / Phao / KAIZ Remix)

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Uh, hey... So uh, firs of all, gomen na sorry...It\'s been a while since I\'ve uploaded anything, life\'s been putting me on a hell mode rollercoaster and has not let up much. Balancing school, work, friends and family issues has never been something that I have been all that great with but man have I sucked more than usual as of late. My main takeaway from these last 3 months I guess would just be to prioritize my time and put family first. Hope that if any of you are going through any rough patches yourself that you get through em and have ppl around to support you…ANYWAYS, here’s another mmd. I meant to upload this as a Halloween special but again, life decided to kick me in the pants and so I had completely forgotten about this project I had started until recently when I finally had some time to myself. I also didn’t want to end this year without at least checking in with everyone and wishing everyone a safe holidays and best wishes in the new year so I literally took the originally orange and black theme of the mmd and changed it to be more red-ish to be in line with the holiday theme (you can tell the maximum effort put into this by the Santa hat that has been glued onto U-chan’s head. This was originally supposed to be Untitled-chan D’s mmd but since I changed the hair colour to red, we now have U-chan ε.) (Not to name any names but I feel like I’m pulling that character creation bit where characters of a roster look the same but since they have a colour pallet swap, the name changes cough sub zero and scorpion)The music came out a bit choppy because I wanted to time the bass drop with the panty drop (worth it) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I think this is the only mmd I’ve made so far with customly looped audio so hopefully with more practice I get better at timing the music on my own. I decided to upload this to both YouTube and Iwara because the concept idea was that this was supposed to be a no bra or panty challenge. However, I’ve looked it over to make sure there was no r18 bits that might get me flagged on Youtube but due to how bad I am with physics, I would not be surprised if I failed the challenge and you guys catch a few slips (happy hunting xd)Also just wanted to say thank you for all the support, improving on my mmd making skills has become less and less of a priority for me but I still do read all your comments and messages (eventually at some point xd) so very much appreciated all. Looking ahead though, I don’t think I will be able to upload much until march break or next summer but I might upload a few photos here and there on iwara of things i’ve been working on. Until then, take care of yourselves and see you all in the new year!Tsu======================The character(s) depicted in the following are over 18.Model Edit By: ZeroEffortMMD ( from: オルタナティブガールズ (Alternative Girls) Model RipBody from: (ID)mZTrZ0SA0氏Head/Face Model from: つみだんご (Tsumidango)Clothing from: SHMBさん (つみだんご/Tsumidango), 3DCGEffects and Shaders: Shader Pack by RileyBoudreau (AdultShader)futa edit from: Hacka Doll 3 ( by: Tsuganse Ibusshi (me)Santa Hat: and camera: by: Tsuganse Ibusshi (me)Song: 2 Phut Hon - Phao (KAIZ Remix)Please do not re-upload and message me if any of the following content is not credited properly!===================